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Improving America: Low Hanging Fruit

Low Hanging Fruit to Make America Better

There a variety of laws and regulations that people have recognized are bad have created feasible alternatives and they still persist in America, these are the low hanging fruit of America that if changed will immediately improve the American Way of Life.

Top 10

  1. Do not require monetary bail except for egregious felonies use alternative methods.
  2. Allow insurance companies to negotiate prices with health care providers alongside Medicare and Medicaid.
  3. Tax capital gains as normal income for amounts higher than $100,000 a year.
  4. Make open market stock buybacks illegal.
  5. Have medical professions give an estimate before giving a procedure like a car mechanic.
  6. Raise the EITC to $2500 for all single filers.
  7. Let judges determine all sentences and fines with only maximums as guidelines.
  8. Expand the child credit to $1500 per kid up to 3 kids and make it refundable.
  9. Cut corporate taxes to a top rate of 25%.
  10. Allow drugs to be distributed and prescribed across state and international lines.

















Criminal Justice




Higher Fruit

Once the low hanging fruit is taken care of there are many slightly more controversial and not as easy policies that could also greatly improve the American Way of Life these matters will be discussed more fully later.








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