Top Articles, Papers, and other Media that Influenced Me

Here is the running list of published work that has influenced my thought process or informed me on a specific subject matter. Articles The Future is TexasMiddle Out ObamaObama DoctrineStock Buyback ArticleArticle Combatting Wealth Tax (Time)Bush man talking social...

Teaching and Learning Resources / Workflows

Here is a list of things I think are important and want to eventually learn or write out for other to learn. Teaching Ideas Teach how to create datasets with small scale experimentsRun analysis using R or Pandas in PythonPut analysis in report via RBlogdown or...

Game Reviews for Busy People

Aim to target these reviews for people who enjoy video games but are rather busy. Game Reviews for the Busy Man (Xbox Game Pass Reviews) Madden-Rocket LeagueGreat...
Top Drones to Buy 2017

Top Drones to Buy 2017

There are alot of drones out there and depending and the best one depends on what you want. Everyone wants the sexy $1000 drone that races across the sky recording footage you might see on the local news. However, I am here to tell you that the tool you need might be...



Netherlands  The Dutch are a fun loving relaxed bunch. They are generally some form of blonde and relatively tall. They are well cultured speak a variety of languages and are generally well educated. People have mixed feelings about the Dutch people’s...

Article Discussion

Our articles cover a wide range of topics and can sometimes take contentious views. If you want to discuss some of the content of an article or want to debate the merits of it please feel free to contact us. Our articles are meant to initiate discussion and engagement feel free to engage.
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