Article Index

Recent Articles

The New American Destiny

  • A think piece about what America is and should be based on history and the modern world.

American History


  • An investigation into how and how effectively the government influences business decisions with a combination of tax deductions and subsidies

Floor and Ceilings – Cost of Living and Max Taxes

Tax Bill Good News: Funding for your Business

  • An investigation into how the Tax Bill could be good news for small business investment if buybacks and dividends were limited

Improving America: Low Hanging Fruit

  • An investigation into ideas that can prove America that includes, alternative bail, the medical system, taxing capital gains, improving the EITC and child credit and more.

        Upcoming Articles

        Capital Gains, Buybacks, and Debt Deductibility

        • An in depth look into how these tax preferences hurt the economy and how the money could be used to efficiently provide the necessities to everyone else
        • This would be an update to Deregulation and Disaster and a complement to Floors and Ceilings


        • A look into how technological advances in energy, connectivity, water, food production, banking and manufacturing will change the world

        Government Policy Ideas

        • A list of government policy ideas that would approve American such as free 2 years of college, asset tax, rent seeking taxes, loosening of child care regulations, and federal investments into K-12

        Science and Tech Ideas

        • A list of tech ideas to commercialize including tidal power, block chain, power purchase agreements for renewables

        Minimalist Living

        • An article about the benefits in cost and mental health in a minimalist lifestyle

        Archives: Articles that Have/Will Be Updated

          Public Options vs. Private Providers (Apr 2017)

          • A think piece on how some services could use a public option to put pressure on private providers and to provide services to those who would otherwise go without.

          Guaranteeing Full Productivity with Basic Income (Apr 2017)

          • An investigation into how a child credit and basic income could be structured and funded to ensure productivity and end poverty

          Rebuilding the Conservative Brand: How Conservatism Can Help Rural Whites and Urban Minorities (Jan 2017)

          How Should We Handle the Poor and the Ideal Middle Class (July 2016)

          Modern Justice: Hint, Don’t Be Poor (July 2016)

          • A think piece and investigation that looks into mass incarceration, the civil death of felons, policing for profit, crime rates, and criminality.
          • Looked into a massive amount of resources for this article the links at the bottom are worth a click by themselves.

          All Money Flows to Boardwalk: Monopolies and Free Trade (June 2016)

          Is That Necessary? : Medical Costs Your Paycheck Under Scalpel (March 2016)

          • An investigation into American medical costs that looks into over testing, the fee for service model, and AMA’s power.

          Upper Middle, Lower Middle Class: It doesn’t matter you can just work hard. Right? (Jan 2016)

          My Platform (October 2015)

          • A full summary of my views and interests in 2015 not much has changed.

          Unfinished Drafts

          How to End Poverty: An Exploration of Basic Income (Feb 2017)

          Metaphysical Thoughts (Jan 2015)

          Education, Civil Rights and Economy Fall 2016 Updates

          Archives: Older Articles

          The Future is Coming (June 2018)

          • A quick summary of ideas to investigate including a city pass, a universal curriculum, medical insurance, professional associations, patents, business policy, and tax policy.

          How to End Poverty Series (Mar 2017)

          • A long form discussion that investigates what it means to be poor, current poverty programs, a basic income, and the EITC

          Deregulation and Disaster: How the Rich Gamble with your Money (June 2016)

          • A think piece and investigation into Glass-Steagall, deregulation, Dodd-Frank, Stock Buybacks, and Patent Laws and how they all interact in an environment that has promoted gambling and contributed to the start of the Great Recession in 2008.

          HERO fail , Trans-Pacific Partnership, Bernie Sanders, and other early November Topics (Nov 2015)

          • A summary of why Houston’s anti-discrimination proposition failed, the rise of Bernie Sanders, Obama’s accomplishments, and the original logic behind the TPP

          State Thoughts (The Rich, the Poor, the Politicians) (Jan 2015)

          • A quick think piece on how the poor and rich are distributed, progressing as a peoples, and American patriotism

          History of US Involvement in the Middle East (October 2014)

          Iraq and Why We Shouldn’t Care (October 2014)

          • A quick think piece on why we shouldn’t be so involved in Iraq and the Middle East in general
          • Similar to the Atlantic’s The Obama Doctrine (April 2016) by Jeffrey Goldberg which is a long form article about Obama’s foreign policy, the history of foreign involvement in the Middle East, and why Obama believes its necessary to pivot from the Middle East to Asia
            • Interestingly this is what the TPP that Trump was supposed to do and now he shares very similar views.

          Qatar and Modern-Day Slavery (October 2014)

          • A quick summary of the Kafala system and how it forces migrant workers into a form of indentured servitude, why the US does not get involved, and how it is similar to our own immigration laws.

          Bella Knox Series (October 2014)  

          • A long form discussion of sex work (specifically porn) done by young woman (18-20), college affordability, college prestige, prospects after college, root causes of the escalating cost of college, and the lifetime taboo of unorthodox means of income generation even as a means to a lionized goal.
          • A recent article in the Atlantic called A High-School Porn Star’s Cry for Help by Caitlin Flanagan (June 2019) also explores how young girls enter the porn industry, but with a more negative slant.

          Archives: Old Recaps

          September 2017 Topics (Sept 2017)

          The Gifts and Challenges of the USA 2017 (Jan 2017)

          • A quick summary of the US economic and natural resources.

          Driving Forward the Future: 2016 Technological Advancements (AI, Artificial Pancreases, Flying Cars) (Nov 2016)

          • A summary of the technological advancements in 2016 including AI, flying cars, carbon capture, and an artificial pancreas

          Self-Driving Cars, Drones, New Combustion Engines. The Future… (Sep 2016)

          • A quick summary the progress in 2016 of self-driving cars, drones, new ICE technology, Space X, and quantum teleportation

          Drones, Aerial Vehicles, Science, and Summer TV (Aug 2016)

          Fear and Discrimination Near and Far: An Account of Last Week (Nov 2015)

          • A recap of the Paris Attacks, the situation then with Syrian Refugees, the 2016 Democratic Presidential candidates, and the University of Missouri’s latest racism problem

          Weekly Topics for the week of Halloween 2015/Texas Ballot Issues (October 2015)

          • A quick summary of events in Fall 2015 including Houston Prop 1 (HERO aka the Bathroom Bill), the 2016 presidential candidates, and Obama’s international legacy.

          The Return (April 2015)

          • A Quick summary of what was going at the time including oil and Obama’s last White House Correspondent Dinner.

          A Super Reflection of the Last Week or So (Feb 2015)

          • Summary of the 2015 Super Bowl, halftime show, and the Duggar’s weird views on abortion and how that applies to black people during black history month

          Just Another Tuesday (Jan 2015)

          • Quick update of January 2015 events including the death of Saudi Arabian King Abdullah and the Super Bowl

          Trans-what? (State of the Union Responses and other Wacky Wednesday Items) (Jan 2015)

          • Summary of the 2015 State of the Union with thoughts on Obama’s use of the word transgender, legislating morality, Deflategate, and J Cole.

          The On the Run Tour – The Houston Stop (October 2014)

          • Summary of my experience at the Houston stop of the On the Run Tour with Jay-Z and Beyoncé

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