Engineer Living

A Gallery of Observations About the World and a Blog on How to Improve It
Public Options vs. Private Providers

Public Options vs. Private Providers

Public Services, Private Providers There are services that are essential for modern life and crucial for a competitive business. Over the past decades, America has fallen in love with private solutions and have privatized numerous services that have traditionally been...

Guaranteeing Full Productivity with Basic Income

Guaranteeing Full Productivity with Basic Income

By considering common concerns about the welfare system and basic income, a modified basic income could be delivered for a comparative cost as our current welfare system, eliminate poverty, support the working poor and middle class, and guarantee productivity from...

How to End Poverty: Expanding the EITC

How to End Poverty: Expanding the EITC

Transforming the EITC into an Acceptable Form of the Basic Income Going back to the EITC in essence it works like a basic income for those in a certain threshold. So if we wanted to apply those benefits to all Americans how could we change the rules? The EITC has...

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